Encrypt and Decrypt md5

👉 Using a encypted method with a salt would be even safer, but this would be a good next step past just using a MD5 hash.


    $input = "akash";
    $encrypted = encryptIt( $input );
    $decrypted = decryptIt( $encrypted );

    echo $encrypted . '<br />' . $decrypted;

    function encryptIt( $q ) {
        $cryptKey  = 'qJB0rGtIn5UB1xG03efyCp';
        $qEncoded      = base64_encode( mcrypt_encrypt( MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, md5(   $cryptKey ), $q, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, md5( md5( $cryptKey ) ) ) );
        return( $qEncoded );

    function decryptIt( $q ) {
        $cryptKey  = 'qJB0rGtIn5UB1xG03efyCp';
        $qDecoded      = rtrim( mcrypt_decrypt( MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, md5( $cryptKey ), base64_decode( $q ), MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, md5( md5( $cryptKey ) ) ), "\0");
        return( $qDecoded );

😊Output will be :

  • kiUvYydyHE4a0D4fowizdI9CnwqX9lq4GCabSn/slzY=
